Citi Cash Loan

Education Loan


Invest in Your Future with Our Student Loans! 🎓

Finance your part- or full-time studies with our student loan. Embarking on your educational journey is an investment in yourself and your future. At Citi Cash Loan , we're here to ensure that nothing stands in the way of you achieving your academic dreams. With our student loans, you can focus on your studies while we take care of the finances. Get the skills you need with up to R250 0000 credit at a discounted interest rate. Apply Online today and enjoy an affordable interest rate.

Go further with a Citi Cash Loan (PTY) Student Loan

Get an education loan of up to R500 000 to pay for tuition and educational expenses at any South African-registered institution. An Citi Cash Loan (PTY) Student Loan can be used for tuition fees, accommodation, study material and more. Reach Your Potential While Enjoying the Benefits of a Personalised Interest Rate.
Terms & Conditions apply.

Why Choose Us for Your Student Loan?

Calculate your instalment​

Manage your Student loan​

Eligibility Criteria

you can apply for this loan if you are;

  • Are 18 years and older
  • Have a valid National ID or driver’s license
  • Have a bank account
  • Are employed and earn R8,000 or more per months

Documents Required

Getting a loan from Citi Cash Loan requires the following documents;

  • Unique Identity Number
  • Proof of Identity
  • Lastest 2-3 months Bank statements
  • Current address proof (optional)

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Frequently Asked Questions
You can apply for an Citi Cash Loan (PTY) by clicking here or you can call us Help 0780862062 | +27 (12) 881-1806 | [email protected]
Your monthly loan instalment will be automatically debited from your bank account on a date you selected at time of application.
Whether you are Blacklisted,Debt Review or your Credit Score is very low, you can apply for a loan. At Citi Cash Loan Service Loan company, we help you removed blacklisted and increase credit score.
Citi Cash Loan (PTY) do not charge client with good credit profile. However, you only make payment for upfront fee payment if your a having low credit score, blacklisted or Debt review. This fee is also refunded when you make payment on our last instalment.
Citi Cash Loan (PTY) application process is online-based. Whether you reside in South Africaor any part of the world. Citi Cash Loan (PTY) company accept clients from all part of the world. So long you have all valid required documents.